

Clinical trials make new treatments possible by ensuring the safety and efficacy of promising new therapies and medical devices.

Clinical research is incredibly important as being involved in a clinical trial can shape the way ophthalmic diseases are treated in the future and can positively affect others who are suffering from the same condition. Clinical studies are essential for any new medications or devices or new indications for these therapies to be FDA-approved and used extensively by patients.

Advancements in therapies for disease through clinical trials can improve health, reduce pain and other symptoms from disease, and can increase life expectancy and quality of life.

To learn more about participating in a clinical study with Ora, visit

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Blindness or visual impairment can have a profound impact on your life, whether you’re visually impaired, losing vision, or know someone affected by vision loss. Explore these resources and discover how to continue living a healthy, productive life with vision loss.

The American Foundation for the Blind

Provides services, contacts and important information for people who are blind or visually impaired as well as organizations, schools, and corporations.

The National Federation of the Blind

This organization strives to improve the social and economic conditions of blind people.

NVISION Internet Accessibility Guide

Visual impairment can make navigating the internet a challenge, but many computers come with built-in tools you can use to interact with the web. This page gives you a list of the features and helpful instructions to use them.